what is a CSS ? : CSS Examples, CSS Backgrounds, CSS Text, CSS Fonts, CSS Links, CSS Lists, CSS Tables, CSS Box Model, CSS Border, CSS Outline, CSS M

CSS Examples

CSS Backgrounds

Set the background color of a page
Set the background color of different elements
Set an image as the background of a page
Bad background image
How to repeat a background image only horizontally
How to position a background image
A fixed background image (this image will not scroll with the rest of the page)
All the background properties in one declaration
Advanced background example

Background properties explained

CSS Text

Set the text color of different elements
Align the text
Remove the line under links
Decorate the text
Control the letters in a text
Indent text
Specify the space between characters
Specify the space between lines
Set the text direction of an element
Increase the white space between words
Disable text wrapping inside an element
Vertical alignment of an image inside text

Text properties explained

CSS Fonts

Set the font of a text
Set the size of the font
Set the size of the font in px
Set the size of the font in em
Set the size of the font in percent and em
Set the style of the font
Set the variant of the font
Set the boldness of the font
All the font properties in one declaration

Font properties explained

CSS Lists

All the different list item markers in lists
Set an image as the list-item marker
Set an image as the list-item marker - Crossbrowser solution
All list properties in one declaration

List properties explained

CSS Tables

Specify a black border for table, th, and td elements
Use of border-collapse
Specify the width and height of a table
Set the horizontal alignment of content (text-align)
Set the vertical alignment of content (vertical-align)
Specify the padding for th and td elements
Specify the color of the table borders
Set the position of the table caption
Create a fancy table

Table properties explained

CSS Box Model

Specify an element with a total width of 250px
Specify an element with a total width of 250px - Crossbrowser solution

Box model explained

CSS Border

Set the width of the four borders
Set the width of the top border
Set the width of the bottom border
Set the width of the left border
Set the width of the right border

Set the style of the four borders
Set the style of the top border
Set the style of the bottom border
Set the style of the left border
Set the style of the right border

Set the color of the four borders
Set the color of the top border
Set the color of the bottom border
Set the color of the left border
Set the color of the right border

All the border properties in one declaration

Set different borders on each side
All the top border properties in one declaration
All the bottom border properties in one declaration
All the left border properties in one declaration
All the right border properties in one declaration

Border properties explained

CSS Outline

Draw a line around an element (outline)
Set the style of an outline
Set the color of an outline
Set the width of an outline

Outline properties explained

CSS Margin

Specify margins for an element
The margin shorthand property
Set the top margin of a text using a cm value
Set the bottom margin of a text using a percent value
Set the left margin of a text using a cm value

Margin properties explained

CSS Padding

Set the left padding of an element
Set the right padding of an element
Set the top padding of an element
Set the bottom padding of an element
All the padding properties in one declaration

Padding properties explained

CSS Grouping and Nesting

Group selectors
Nested (descendant) selectors

Grouping and nesting explained

CSS Dimension

Set the height of an image using a pixel value
Set the height of an image using percent
Set the width of an element using a pixel value
Set the width of an element using percent
Set the maximum height of an element
Set the maximum width of an element using a pixel value
Set the maximum width of an element using percent
Set the minimum height of an element
Set the minimum width of an element using a pixel value
Set the minimum width of an element using percent

Dimension properties explained

CSS Display

How to hide an element (visibility:hidden)
How to not display an element (display:none)
How to display an element as an inline element
How to display an element as a block element
How to make a table element collapse

Display properties explained

CSS Positioning

Position an element relative to the browser window
Position an element relative to its normal position
Position an element with an absolute value
Overlapping elements
Set the shape of an element
How to create a scroll bar when an element's content is too big to fit
How to set the browser to automatically handle overflow
Set the top edge of an image using a pixel value
Set the bottom edge of an image using a pixel value
Set the left edge of an image using a pixel value
Set the right edge of an image using a pixel value
Change the cursor

Positioning properties explained

CSS Floating

A simple use of the float property
An image with border and margins that floats to the right in a paragraph
An image with a caption that floats to the right
Let the first letter of a paragraph float to the left
Create an image gallery with the float property
Turn of float - with the clear property
Creating a horizontal menu
Creating a homepage without tables

Float properties explained

CSS Aligning Elements

Center aligning with margin
Left/Right aligning with position
Left/Right aligning with position - Crossbrowser solution
Left/Right aligning with float
Left/Right aligning with float - Crossbrowser solution

Align properties explained

CSS Generated Content

Insert the URL in parenthesis after each link with the content property
Numbering sections and sub-sections with "Section 1", "1.1", "1.2", etc.
Specify the quotation marks with the quotes property

CSS Pseudo-classes

Add different colors to a hyperlink
Add other styles to hyperlinks
Use of :focus
:first-child - match the first p element
:first-child - match the first i element in all p elements
:first-child - Match all i elements in all first child p elements
Use of :lang

Pseudo-classes explained

CSS Pseudo-elements

Make the first letter special in a text
Make the first line special in a text
Make the first letter and first line special
Use :before to insert some content before an element
Use :after to insert some content after an element

Pseudo-elements explained

CSS Navigation Bars

Fully styled vertical navigation bar
Fully styled horizontal navigation bar

Navigation bars explained

CSS Image Gallery

Image gallery

Image gallery explained

CSS Image Opacity

Creating transparent images - mouseover effect
Creating a transparent box with text on a background image

Image opacity explained

CSS Image Sprites

An image sprite
An image sprite - a navigation list
An image sprite with hover effect

Image sprites explained

CSS Attribute Selectors

Select elements with a title attribute
Select elements with title=a specific value
Select elements with title=a specific value (even if the attribute has space-separated values)
Select elements with title=a specific value (even if the attribute has hyphen-separated values)

Attribute selectors explained


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